Sometimes it puzzles me that most of the things we argue about are insignificant, compared to what we NEED to be invested in. To me, issues of sexism, homophobia, racism and more of its kind are little issues.
Don’t get me wrong, I am not trying to insinuate that they aren’t important. No. Little issues are important too. I’m trying to insinuate that these little problems should have been solved a while ago. That by now, we as humans should have realised how restrictive these issues are, we should have seen the light. We should have understood the main goal. We should be discussing our similarities not hating on our differences. We should be talking about the planet we share, the humanity we all share. The fact that that we all see the sky, we all know what love and pain feel like, we all wonder about the possibilities of what is beyond the sky, the stars, the moon, what is inside us, what gives us life, how our body work. How about the other living things around us, what makes them them? What is in the depth of the sea?
Maybe it’s just me, maybe we don’t all ponder about this, but we should.

We are all born explorers.
Don’t believe me? Look at a baby, watch them. Watch their eyes investigate everything around them. Watch them touch and feel and grasp things. Watch them try to understand what they don’t know. See them learn to crawl, to talk to walk. Once they are mobile, their investigation site widens, they search, they taste, they look, the wonder.

Ever see a kid look at a mirror?  Lool.  We know what mirrors are supposed to do so it may not be intriguing to us. When you already know, you don’t need to learn. When you don’t know, you wonder, learn and then you know. That is growth, knowing something you didn’t. That is improving. I wanna say the wondering child died in us, but I think she is just asleep.
I wonder, I never stopped. I wonder if we are aware of the damage we do. I wonder if we think of the generations to come. I wonder if we imagine the kind of life they would live, the kinds of clothes they would wear, what they would look like.
But for real tho let’s think about it for a minute, what would the future people be like? How much of our culture would they emulate? What would they wear? What would be their social construct?... and…..most importantly, how do we affect that as predecessors?

For real PAUSE

I look at my life now as a woman and I know what I don’t want the future to be like.

I was going to title this piece “why we should all be feminists” but I realised that a lot of people approach that word with disgust and anger. I wonder if they themselves know why they do that because, to me, it is amusing.

I find it funny that people do not understand the restrictions the systems we live under, have on us. They are all limiting, all of them. No single one offers an avenue for exploration. Whether it be patriarchal, religious, governmental, …. all of them put up boundaries and not open spaces.

For the sake of this discussion, I’m gonna go into patriarchal one for a sec. Don’t be afraid, lol, this is a safe space.

To start with, I have always loved men. I have always loved to play with them, be around them, talk with them. I find them interesting, maybe because they are different from me, *shrug*.

I love male energy so I have watched them and learned about them. They are such a guarded bunch, so restricted in a lot. Sometimes you can watch a man battle with himself not to feel somethings. *disclaimer, not all men* *insert rolling eye emoji* Their confidence is over the top. Interestingly, their confidence is built earlier on by their mothers, by their sisters. In my opinion, males rely on females for that. Although you may argue that men also give other me confidence, I would also argue that the kind of confidence a woman gives a man is incomparable. It's deeper, it's from a place of  “I see you, I see the you that you don’t know yet and I can’t wait for you to meet him”. Like I said, its deep. There is a reason why there is a word like emasculation and the burden of that stupid word is on women. We are the ones that build them, and we are the ones that assumably have the power to make them crumble... supposedly. I find this particularly interesting because in the society we live in most women do not get that degree of nurturing from men and that has its own negative impacts. 

But still on men, my hope is on a full man. Men that are complete and whole. Men that dig into their emotional fault and are one with it. Men that can express all that they feel, without restrictions. Without the struggles within themselves not to. That is part of the world I envision.

As for women, we cool, we heading the right way already.

I envision women and men at the frontier of discoveries. I think of us inventing new ways to be better. I see us growing, exploring our planet, exploring our universe, squeezing every drop of information out of the world we live in. I see us making marvellous discoveries. The dreams I have, make me understand our present issues as little, as they only further delay the marvellous possibilities. These little issues masquerade as big, they only limit us. Since they limit us, we need to hurry up and get done with them. Let the need for feminism be obsolete. Let us learn each other and understand that we need everyone, ever colour, every gender, every kind of person. Let us eliminate these issues… there are bigger fish to fry.


  1. Deep and intriguing..... Now I want to read more....

    1. Thank you for your kind words )

    2. You are welcome, look forward to reading more from you. You raise valid points on how we, as humans should live. At times, the daily grind of survival has a way of beclouding the humanity we all have. One must strive to focus on the simple things , which unites us all.


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