Every Friday on my way to work, I walk beside a cemetery... or graveyard depending on what you call it. Walking by it scares me a lot, I honestly don’t know why. It’s not as if they can get up and do the whole walking dead thing. Sometimes, I cross to the other side of the street so that I’m not so close to it. It’s even worse because, when I’m going to work, it's usually around 6 in the morning, so it’s usually dark, especially in the winter.

Today, I walked passed it, it was as dark because it was 3 hrs later than I usually go so I was less scared. But besides the brightness of the sky, it didn’t scare me at all because it dawned on me that life is so trivial, and it can be short. Even if a person lives till 200, there’s still a limited time that they’d have to do everything they want to because strength fades. The body ages, even though the sense of wonder might not.
Last night, I heard that my friend lost his parent. It was so sad because I was almost certain that his parent didn’t live their life, they lived how they thought they were supposed to live.
The idea of an afterlife permits us to be complacent with the life we have because we always think that “even if this one sucks, we can always live in heaven, forever, surrounded with gold (or whatever you believe the afterlife has for you), and family members and we’d be happy and just be… forever and ever and ever… so it’s okay if we don’t really use our life ‘cuz we’ve always got more.”

We gotta understand that limited things are the most expensive, they are the things we can’t afford to miss out on. They are the things we need to take care of and use till we get our money’s worth… especially when we don’t even know when we might lose it. At least, even though we lose it, it wouldn’t be outta our own carelessness ‘cuz we know that shi was expensive when we got it and it’s damn rare to come about. But we still use it because… what use is a diamond in a box under the bed?

Point is, you really only live once so you can’t afford to just live. You gotta be crazy and careful, carefree and controlled, mad and wise. You gotta USE your life for what you want (Disclaimer: as long as you aren’t doing things that somehow hurt and attack other people). Say what you want to say to the people you love, be who you wanna be, don’t do things because “people said”, people barely got a grip of their own life, they only talk ‘cuz they know you’d listen.

Freaking LIVE. You rarely get a do-over.


  1. All humans are born blind, few of us ever learn to see.....

    It takes lots of courage to be yourself....

    1. I got to say, it feels different coming back to read this after sometime. I think I definitely needed the wake up call


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