
Showing posts from 2017


Every Friday on my way to work, I walk beside a cemetery... or graveyard depending on what you call it. Walking by it scares me a lot, I honestly don’t know why. It’s not as if they can get up and do the whole walking dead thing. Sometimes, I cross to the other side of the street so that I’m not so close to it. It’s even worse because, when I’m going to work, it's usually around 6 in the morning, so it’s usually dark, especially in the winter. Today, I walked passed it, it was as dark because it was 3 hrs later than I usually go so I was less scared. But besides the brightness of the sky, it didn’t scare me at all because it dawned on me that life is so trivial, and it can be short. Even if a person lives till 200, there’s still a limited time that they’d have to do everything they want to because strength fades. The body ages, even though the sense of wonder might not. Last night, I heard that my friend lost his parent. It was so sad because I was almost certain that his pa...
CONVERSATIONS WTH MYSELF:  The Chase You know, I think  “the chase”  is a very youthful thing to want ...or to like. When you grow older you realize you don’t really care about the chase, it’s all tiring. You just want to find a person and both of you put things on the table like this is who I am and this is what I can give you, who are you and what can you give me? And then you both weigh your options out and you’re like cool, you wanna hang out? Or you wanna date? No need to hide… you pour out everything.  Well, maybe not every single thing you are but, you put your cards on the table. You’re honest about it, you don’t hide some stuff. You don’t hide stuff like it’s a video game. Like when a person gets to a particular level, something is unlocked. I mean, that’s good too but not purposeful hiding in the sense that you feel less when someone has found out who you are. You’re not like that anymore when you get older. You’re not “running” because you wan...
People say that when you're doing something and it's particularly hard, it means you should stop doing it because the universe is letting you know that it's not for you People say that when you do something and it's particularly hard, it means the devil is working against you because he doesn't want you to get it . Or maybe the universe wants to test how much you want it, and when you get it, it'll be the best thing ever People should just SHUT D * UP and mind their own business.  People should just stop coming up with random quotes that suit their life and/or feelings at that moment. It's confusing to the rest of us.