
Showing posts from June, 2019

DOES SUPPORT WORK? a.k.a What am I doing wrong?

D o you ever feel that maybe support isn’t for you? Hold up let me explain. I find myself lazier and too relaxed when I have a shoulder to cry on. Like it softens me up and opens up all this pent-up frustration and I lose my driving force. At the same time, I feel overwhelmed without it, but with it, I feel weak and unfocused. I know it’s supposed to be there for you. Support is meant to be this cushiony mattress that’s there for you when you fall. It bounces you and pushes you up but it's there when and if you fall. It doesn’t work for me, I find myself lying about unnecessary stuff and then I feel shitty about myself. Let me give you an example. The other day, bf called me, and I was all heads up talking about how there’s so much I want to do and how I cannot do all at once and how everything is shit basically. BF cooled me down and we went through the plans together and all was well. Till today, I haven’t taken a step further in the direction we discussed or any at ...