Nigeria’s inability to just let herself heal

Image by Crea8t from Pixabay “I’ve never seen a useless country like this…” “I can’t believe I’m from this country” “Nigeria is a huge joke” “God have mercy, where are we heading to in this country? Everything is upside down?” These are all real statements, by the way, I didn’t just make them up. I have for sure said an equivalent of that sometime in my life but that doesn’t help me or the situation. We forget our history or rather, we want to move past it like it was just this thing that happened. Nigeria was birth out of a huge trauma, and much like any other trauma, there must be space and time to heal from it. Acceptance is also important. You cannot, for instance, get hit by a car, lose a leg but expect to walk like nothing happened. You must first heal from the wound, get a prosthetic leg that fits you and then practice walking one step at a time. You will not walk like a person without your wounds and that is as should be. Before coloniza...